We regularly hold open meetings with Forbes billionaires and the most prominent representatives of the Russian business environment: entrepreneurs, investors, government officials and journalists.
Photos from open events
Meeting with Mikhail Kuchment
Co-founder of the HOFF chain of furniture and household goods hypermarket, co-owner and chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sovcombank, member of the Supervisory Board of X5 Retail Group.
Meeting with Maxim Oreshkin
Russian politician, graduate of Higher School of Economics, aide/assistant to the President of Russian Federation, former head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
Meeting with Boris Titov
The owner of “Abrau-Dyurso”, authorized by the President of the Russian Federation to protect the rights of entrepreneurs/ business owners.
Meeting with Natalia Sindeeva
Founder, key owner and CEO of the Dozhd media holding, which includes Dozhd TV Channel, the Republic.ru internet publication, and Bolshoi Gorod magazine.
Meeting with YPO
YPO is a global leadership community of leaders with 29,000 members in over 130 countries.
Behind-the-scenes Events
Behind-the-scenes meetings with the founders of the largest Russian companies in the format of round tables, business and informal meetings only for members of the enclosed part of the Club.
Meeting with Leonid Boguslavsky
One of the largest Russian investors in IT, founder of the ru-Net company.
Meeting with Boris Belotserkovsky
Owner of the largest vending operator in Russia “ Yuvenko”, President of the National Association of Automated Trade.
Meeting with Mikhail Prokhorov
Russian billionaire, politician, founder of the Civil Platform party and former head of Just Cause party.
Meeting with Andrey Kovalev
The leader of the Pilgrim rock group, the owner of the Ecoofis development company, the Art&Food Podsolnukhi project and the Grebnevo estate.
Meeting with Mikhail Voronin
Founder of the Atlanta Business Club, co-founder of the Podyozhiki strategic events agency.
Dmitriy Kibkalo
Founder of the Mosigra chain of stores, co-owner of the Meteor football school network.
Vladimir Sedov
Owner of the company “Ascona”, founder of the city of Dobrograd.
Спикеры HSE Business Club
General Director of the Global Spirits holding, author of the "Big Money" YouTube channel, top 100 Forbes Ukraine, business speaker # 1 in the CIS
Evgeny Chernyak
Founder and CEO of the "Netologia-group" holding
Maxim Spiridonov
Readdle Partner and Vice President
Denis Zhadanov
Founder and owner of "Perelman People" holding (12 successful restaurants)
Vladimir Perelman
Co-founder of the Hoff hypermarket chain of furniture and household goods, co-owner of Sovcombank
Mikhail Kuchment
Journalist, TV and radio presenter, author of the YouTube channel "Russian Norms!"
Elizaveta Osetinskaya
Head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Aide/Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation
Maxim Oreshkin
Programmer, founder of Kaspersky Lab
Evgeny Kaspersky
The main owner and CEO of the Dozhd media holding
Natalia Sindeeva
Managing Partner of Skyeng, ex-Yandex Director for International Development
Alexander Laryanovsky
First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank
Lev Khasis
Founder of the fastest growing network of barbershops in the world TOPGUN
Alexey Lokontsev
Politician, chairman of the board of directors of "Abrau-Dyurso"
Boris Titov
Director of Strategy and Analysis at Mail.Ru Group and author of the Startup of the Day blog
Alexander Gorny
Owner of Troika Dialog.
Ruben Vardanyan
Member of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank, co-founder of Fast Lane Ventures and Car Price
Oscar Hartmann
Founder of the ONEXIM fund, politician, 14th place Forbes Russia
Mikhail Prokhorov
За прошедший год было организовано 10 мероприятий с участием таких предпринимателей как:
All Speakers of HSE Business Club
Evgeny Chernyak
General Director of the Global Spirits holding, author of the "Big Money" YouTube channel, top 100 Forbes Ukraine, business speaker # 1 in the CIS
Maxim Spiridonov
Founder and CEO of the "Netologia-group" holding
Denis Zhadanov
Readdle Partner and Vice President
Vladimir Perelman
Founder and owner of "Perelman People" holding (12 successful restaurants)
Mikhail Kuchment
Co-founder of the Hoff hypermarket chain of furniture and household goods, co-owner of Sovcombank
Elizaveta Osetinskaya
Journalist, TV and radio presenter, author of the YouTube channel "Russian Norms!"
Maxim Oreshkin
Head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation
Evgeny Kaspersky
Programmer, founder of Kaspersky Lab.
Natalia Sindeeva
The main owner and CEO of the Dozhd media holding
Alexander Laryanovsky
Managing Partner of Skyeng, ex-Yandex Director for International Development
Lev Khasis
First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank
Alexey Lokontsev
Founder of the fastest growing network of barbershops in the world TOPGUN
Boris Titov
Politician, chairman of the board of directors of "Abrau-Dyurso"
Alexander Gorny
Director of Strategy and Analysis at Mail.Ru Group and author of the Startup of the Day blog
Ruben Vardanyan
Owner of Troika Dialog
Oscar Hartmann
Member of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank, co-founder of Fast Lane Ventures and Car Price
Mikhail Prokhorov
Founder of the ONEXIM fund, politician, 14th place Forbes Russia
Dmitry Konov
Chairman of the Board of Sibur Holding, 195th place Forbes Russia
Lev Leviev
Entrepreneur and investor, co-founder of VKontakte, Vaizra Capital investment fund, Selectel data center network
Nikolay Davydov
Entrepreneur, venture investor, co-founder of Gagarin Capital Partners, a Cherry Labs fund portfolio company, the Mesto project
Answers to popular questions (Q&A)
All open events take place at the Moscow campus of the Higher School of Economics. Private events are held both on the territory of HSE and outside the university.
We announce in advance all open events in our social networks and in the mailing list (you can subscribe using the form below). To become a participant of the open event, you need to register using the link that is attached to the announcement of the event.
Usually, only a member of the Closed Club can enter closed events, but sometimes we raffle places for such events among our subscribers. Follow our social media carefully!
Anyone can attend our open events, including people who are not HSE students. The main thing is to enter the correct data at the stage of preliminary registration and not forget your passport for the event, as HSE has a strict pass system.
All of our events are completely free to attend, however advance registration is required.
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